IPv6 Issues

The Synapse with IPv6 support is transparent and allows instant use of IPv6 on commonly used code.

When you are using code without special code, then you simply recompile your program with new Synapse, and your code is IPv6 enabled! You can use IPv4 IPs, IPv6 IPs or IPv4 and IPv6 domain names. Synapse creates sockets itself by result of resolving addresses.

Because commonly used command 'Bind('','0')' before Connect breaks socket type autodetection, this command does nothing when SF_Any is used. In this case, use system implicit binding with the same effect. You do not need to remove this call.

When you call Bind with another argument, then bind is called. This bind causes socket creation! When you bind a socket to a specific interface, then the socket family usage is limited by the bound IP family!

Not all systems support full IPv6. Look at other articles!

In some cases an automatically created socket is not ideal. Look at CreateSocket.

public/howto/ipv6issues.txt · Last modified: 2007/11/30 14:30 (external edit)
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