For newbies like me, here's how to connect to a web server to either download a page, or send data through a GET call:
uses SysUtils,Classes,httpsend,synacode; var sl : TStringList; data : String; begin //Encode input to handle unauthorized characters data := 'name=' + ParamStr(1); data := data + '&' + 'number=' + ParamStr(2); data := data + '&' + 'date=' + ParamStr(3); data := data + '&' + 'time=' + ParamStr(4); data := EncodeURL(data); //WriteLn = console application; Use ShowMessage() for GUI application WriteLn(data); sl := TStringList.Create; try if HttpGetText('http://localhost/input.php?' + data,sl) then WriteLn(sl.text) else WriteLn('Cannot get'); finally sl.Free; end; end.